Saturday, December 21, 2013

Installing and using raid catcher

I am going to try to make these instructions nice and simple but if I skip a step and you have a problem please ask a question in the comments.

1. Install greasemonkey(firefox), tampermonkey(chrome) or something else (if you use a diff browser you will have to figure this part out on your own.

2. Download and install raid catcher
  a. click the link above
  b. click on the small green install button in the upper right hand corner of the page
3. Look in your game and see if you have the new raids tab, if not refresh then click it once it appears.

4. In order for raid catcher to work you must submit your own raids.  They must be fresh raids that have not already been added to the raid catcher database.  The image below will show you how to add your own raids. 

5. Adjust settings - I highly recommend choosing to store raids locally or else every time you reload the game you will need to to another import.  I also recommend selecting to hide visited raids.  Here is an image of my settings.

6. I am not going to include an image for this but you should go to the filters tab and make sure only raids you actually want to hit are imported. 

7. Go back to the import tab and for your first time importing change the pull down that says "Latest" to "Days" and enter 3 in the text box and click import.  If you are storing raids locally you can leave it set to "Latest" for all future imports.

8. Once your raids are imported click on the raids tab within raid catcher and you will see all of the raids.  You can filter these raids by zone, name, or type in the boss.  Adding raids to the game is different depending on your platform.
  • On Armor Games right click the blue text that says "link" and choose copy, then just paste it into the join box in the game.
  • On Kongregate you can select join all and it will autojoin all the raids.  When it is done just hit refresh and they will all show up in your in-game raid list.

 Searching the list for specific raids 

On the search tab some useful filters that can be typed into the text box next to Boss are:
  • You can filter by zone by typing in z10 if you want zone ten raids
  • If you only want Krugnug you can just type Krug or any partial string 
  • I find the most useful to be raid type.  You can type in "demon" to only get demon raids.  This is useful so you can change to a special demon legion and then do all of those raids.

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